Event box

DCC Data Round Table: Open(ing) language data In-Person
Open(ing) language data
Potential and challenges in interdisciplinary research practice
On the 16 of May 2023 the Faculty of Arts and the Digital Competence Centre invite researchers to come to the Harmonie building (collaboratory A) to exchange experiences, ideas and best practices on the collection, management, protection, publication and reuse of language data in a multi-disciplinary data round table.
The programme will consist of lightning talks of researchers covering different topics and cases that highlight either potential or challenges in open(ing) language data.
Preliminary Programme
13:15 - 13:30h Walk-in, coffee
First session
- Sharing speech materials and data in audiology research - Thomas Koelewijn (UMCG)
- Studying publicly available language data - Myrte Gosen (LET - CLCG)
- Conducting linguistic experiments online with OpenSesame and OSWeb - Sebastiaan Mathot (BSS)
Using the Drama Corpora Project (DraCor) for cross-lingual studies in theatre history - Lucas van der Deijl (Arts - ICOG)
14:30 - 14:45h Coffee break
Second session
- Speech to text while you lean back? Testing (open source) automatic transcription - Jorn Seubers (DCC)
- Collecting and managing longitudinal language data - Floor van den Berg (LET - CLCG)
- Language data for investigating language learning - Jacolien van Rij (FSE)
- Breaking the ceiling of Twitter - The case of the Dutch Abusive Language Corpus - Tommaso Caselli (LET - CLCG)
16:00h Drinks at the Weber Foyer
- Date:
- Tuesday, May 16, 2023
- Time:
- 1:30pm - 4:30pm
- Time Zone:
- Central European Time (change)