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DCC Webinar: Principles of hands-on data management

DCC Webinar: Principles of hands-on data management Online

Join this webinar for practical advice on "doing" research data management within the University of Groningen. In approx. 60 minutes the DCC will update you on data management planning, best practices, storage solutions and other data-related UG services.
After the webinar, participants should have acquired and overiew of the why and hows of modern scientific data management. It is also very suitable for new UG members as a multitude of data-related services is covered that can be used throught the entried research lifecycle. 
The webinar is aimed at all researchers and research support staff of the University of Groningen and will cover:

  • Introduction / research lifecycle
  • Why do RDM?
    • Open Science / FAIR data / Policies
  • Research Data Management Planning
  • Metadata
  • Research data: store, archive, share, transfer, publish
  • Practical solutions and best-practices in the UG
  • Overview of data-relate UG services

Note for externals: While the first half of the workshops presents general concepts, the second half is very much focussed on the UG services. 

Monday, April 7, 2025
9:00am - 10:00am
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.

Registration is required. There are 26 seats available.

Event Organizer

Jelte Nimoth
Digital Competence Centre (UG DCC)

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